Viridiant Winter 2017 Newsletter

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Winter 2017
Dear friend,

have you ever wondered why we need you support?

Without your support what would the greater Virginia, Washington, DC and Maryland look like? Where would we be without Viridiant?

  • Almost 20,000 families would be paying nearly 140% in housing costs from utilities. Did you know that in Virginia alone, approximately 973,757 or 31.6% of Virginia families are housing cost burdened i.e. paying more than 30% of income for their housing costs (Housing Virginia’s Sourcebook)? By lowering families’ utilities, we lower their housing costs; our work makes a difference.
  • 450 Habitat for Humanity families would not be living in healthy, sustainable, energy-efficient housing.
  • Thousands of industry professionals would not have had access to building science educationand advice on cutting edge building approaches and technologies. Think builders, developers, HVAC professionals – did we mention real estate professionals, appraisers and lenders too?
  • Our industry would not be receptive towards these high-performance advancements. Think energy code, benchmarking, conditioned crawl spaces, continuous insulation, whole building dehumidification
  • Non-profit partners would not be able to leverage resources to build high-performance housing that better serves their community.
  • Manufacturers would not be afforded the insight into gaps in the high-performance housing market to determine how to best serve market needs.
  • The region would have an additional 682 million lbs of CO2 in the atmosphere.  Removing this CO2 is equivalent to 32,000 homes’ energy use for one year, 78 wind turbines installed, or 10 million incandescent light bulbs switched to LEDs.

These are just a few of the roles that Viridant plays in advancing high-performance housing in our area. We work tirelessly to promote the science of sustainability: economic sustainability, environmental sustainability and structural sustainability, and there’s still so much to do.

​Now more than ever, we need your support. Help us continue to support our building partners and the industry; make a contribution to this organization. In return, we will continue to deliver these effective programs and work towards goals outlined in our 2017 – 2019 strategic plan.

​Goals include:

  1. Research, Engage & Educate
  2. Fund the Mission
  3. Grow Multifamily Reach
  4. Increase Single Family Impact
  5. Support the Industry
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​​If you have participated in this effort, we thank you. If you believe in this work, I encourage you to invest in our future through the gift of a charitable donation.

All the best,

KC Bleile
KC Bleile
Executive Director

by the numbers

  • Single Family: 2,696 single family homes
  • Multifamily: 248 projects housing 17,074 dwelling units
  1. Shelter Alternatives – HERS 2, EarthCraft and ENERGY STAR certified
  2. Bain-Waring – HERS 46, EarthCraft certified
  3. EnviroHomeDesign, LLC – HERS 50, EarthCraft Renovation and LEED for Homes certified

upcoming events

Lecture: Build Better: Innovative Construction Technologies for Healthy, High-Performance Homes

Thursday, February 16th
​3 – 4:30 PM (with special networking reception to follow at Capital Ale House until 6:30 PM)

  • Rob Howard, Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating
  • Jim Jenkins, Huber Zip System
  • Nikki Krueger, Ultra-Aire Ventilating Dehumidifier

Two options to participate:

  1. Via live webinar ($10)
  2. In-person at Gather in Richmond, VA ($5)

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8th Annual Sustainable Leadership Awards

Save the Date: Thursday, April 20th
*Registration coming soon

Richmond Earth Day 5K Race Without a Trace
Save the Date: Saturday, April 22nd
*Registration coming soon

Sustainable Leadership Awards


Mark your calendars and be sure to join us at our Annual Sustainable Leadership Awards! Our awards reception and ceremony will be held Thursday, April 20th at the Virginia Historical Society in downtown Richmond. ​Registration is coming soon.

Do you know of a certain builder, company, or project that deserves to be recognized for its successful implementation of the EarthCraft program in 2016? If so, we want to hear about it.

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 [trx_br]Nominations are due by 5:00PM on Friday, March 10th, 2017.
Want to join these organizations in supporting our event? Click below for more information on promotional opportunities and sponsorship.
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support this bill: HB 1565


HB 1565 is a by-partisan bill patroned by Del. Webert and co-patroned by Del. Keam that enables municipalities to elect local tax and regulatory incentives for Green Development Zones. EarthCraft certification is a pathway provided to meet that designation. As we’ve seen with The Impact on Energy Efficient Design and Construction on LIHTC in Virginia, the EarthCraft family of programs effectively achieves real energy savings. Green development zones, often refered to as “eco-districts” can leverage economic development dollars to attract sustainable businesses and grow green jobs.

How can you help?
The bill has has passed the House and been referred to the Senate Finance Committee. That committee is co-chaired by Sen. Norment (R), Senate District 3 and Sen. Hanger (R) Senate District 24. Contact members of the Senate Finance Committee and offer your support (even if you don’t reside in their district). The bill will likely be reviewed early next week so make those calls/emails today.

  • Senator Norment (R) – Senate District 3
  • Senator Hanger (R) – Senate District 24
  • Senator Janet D. Howell (D) – Senate District 32
  • Senator Richard L. Saslaw (D) – Senate District 35
  • Senator L. Louise Lucas (D) – Senate District 18
  • Senator Stephen D. Newman (R) – Senate District 23
  • Senator Frank M. Ruff, Jr. (R) – Senate District 15
  • Senator Frank W. Wagner (R) – Senate District 7
  • Senator Ryan T. McDougle (R) – Senate District 4
  • Senator Jill Holtzman Vogel (R) – Senate District 27
  • Senator Charles W. Carrico, Sr. (R) – Senate District 40
  • Senator Mark D. Obenshain (R) – Senate District 26
  • Senator George L. Barker (D) – Senate District 39
  • Senator Siobhan S. Dunnavant (R) – Senate District 12
  • Senator Richard H. Stuart (R) – Senate District 28
  • Senator Rosalyn R. Dance (D) – Senate District 16

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Highland Park Senior Apartments


The new Highland Park Senior Apartments at 1221 E. Brookland Park Blvd. (Jonathan Spiers, Richmond BizSense

Highland Park Public School, a Mediterranean Revival building built in 1909, is a two-story brick and stucco structure on a raised basement topped by hipped roofs clad with terracotta tiles. The unique Mediterranean Revival style stood out against the more common Virginia school styles of the time, Georgian and Gothic.

The building was vacant for two years and suffered from extensive deferred maintenance, including deficiencies in electrical, plumbing and heating, outdated systems, and vandalism. Additionally, the building was not insulated to modern energy efficient standards; the ground floor (basement) had experienced significant mold growth; water had damaged moderate portions of the roof and interior framing.

Community Preservation and Development Corp., acquired the former school out of foreclosure in November 2013 for $600,000. This $11.4 million renovation will result in 77 apartments for low-income seniors. The architect on the project was Grimm + Parker Architects working from their Charlottesville. VA office. Locally-based KBS was the general contractor.

Rehabilitation included performing deferred maintenance, site improvements, water-proofing, replacement of kitchen cabinetry and appliances, bathroom vanities and toilets, flooring and finishes, as well as updating plumbing, electrical and HVAC systems to modern standards, while also providing proper envelope air sealing and insulation. To ensure compatibility with Section 504 for disabled access, several existing units will continue to provide accessible/barrier-free living on the ground and first floor.

Additionally, the existing auditorium (with previous renovations) was rehabilitated to serve as the community room with historic stage, as well as provide communal library/lounge, kitchen, fitness room, salon and restrooms. The project obtained EarthCraft Multifamily (ECMF) Platinum certification ensuring sustainable design and construction.

If you missed our December 2016 lecture where we visited this project or you want to learn more, download our lecture recap bulletin. In the bulletin, we dig deeper into enclosure solutions, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and fixtures and finishes in this historic adaptive reuse building.

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lecture bulletins


In an effort to increase the reach and longevity of our lectures series, Viridiant now develops and shares a bulletin recapping what was discussed at each lecture. Lectures that have been published so far cover: Water in Buildings, Energy Efficient Retrofits, and Resiliency and Sustainable Buildings. We hope you’ll check them out and find them useful.


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your support matters

Viridiant, a 501c3 non-profit, prides itself on offering superior quality, affordable programs that can suit the needs of any builder or developer who shows a commitment to high performance home building. With eight full time employees in our Richmond office and technical advisors around the state, we strive to remove any financial barriers to green building by delivering our programs at a fraction of the cost of similar programs.

Residential buildings make up almost 27% of the energy consumption in Virginia. With your support, we can touch more houses, making a significant impact not only on the state’s energy use but also on the lives of the residents who will enjoy comfortable, healthy, and affordable homes.

Please consider making a donation to Viridiant today.

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