Annual Report & October Newsletter

Click here to see the full October Newsletter

Dear Friends & Supporters,

Thanks to your generous support, Viridiant continues to deliver the EarthCraft family of programs to thousands of individuals each year. After a decade of service, over 21,000 families are housed in sustainable, energy-efficient homes proven to save 35% when compared to standard code construction, reducing resources used, saving energy, and ensuring residents have comfortable, healthy housing. We are excited to share our 2016 Annual Report so you can better appreciate the lasting impact that you helped build!

We hope you will consider supporting Viridiant’s mission this October as we celebrate National Energy Awareness Month to spread the word about the importance of sustainably managing energy resources. Any gift helps Viridiant build a more sustainable future for all. Viridiant will continue to administer programs and develop services that will accelerate the shift toward high-performance buildings throughout the industry.


KC Bleile
Executive Director

2016 annual report

Download Viridiant’s 2016 Annual Report to learn more about our impact over the last year, including highlights on our Habitat for Humanity Virginia partnership, The Little Ten Housing Authorities, 2016 EarthCraft energy savings, and the Single Family Renovation Project of the Year! The annual report was mailed to our supporters in August. Interested in getting a hard copy? Email Viridiant at


upcoming events


Thursday, October 19, 3:00 – 4:30 pm | free
Location: In-person lecture @ Gather, Richmond, VA | Online via webinar

Join us for our October lecture to highlight the greater Richmond community’s work on healthy homes and healthy communities that support socioeconomic and physical health necessary to build strong communities. The lecture will cover recent research on Market Value Analysis by Richmond Memorial Health Foundation to help communities understand real estate market conditions and plan a coordinated and equitable investment strategy, an introduction to the Maggie Walker Community Land Trust (MWCLT) and associated benefits, a case study on Project: HOMES’ first EarthCraft Home of the MWCLT, currently under construction, and the City of Richmond’s efforts to bring the nationally accredited Green and Healthy Homes Initiative program to Richmond.

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