EarthCraft in RVA Mag: Is net-zero architecture a possibility for future eco-friendly housing in Richmond?

EarthCraft Virginia’s Philip Agee spoke to RVA Magazine about net-zero building – check it out below.


RVA Magazine | Richmond, VA

Is net-zero architecture a possibility for future eco-friendly housing in Richmond?

Posted by: brad – Nov 05, 2014


Could net-zero housing be the next big thing here in Richmond? With EarthCraft Virginia on the rise, Richmonders could soon be saving energy and maybe even a little bit of cash from their bills.

“It’s basically a building that produces as much energy as it used in the previous year,” said Phillip Agee, the technical manager at EarthCraft Virginia, who works to make buildings net-zero, or energy neutral. “The certification program is a process of steps with a project team that works on low energy design and construction best practices to deliver the most high performance residential buildings on the market.”

EarthCraft Virginia was established in 2006 and is now one of the largest regional green building programs in the country. They are known for their mission of advancing sustainable, affordable and energy efficient construction through education and technical support. Within the last couple of years, EarthCraft has launched a third-party net-zero certification program that is starting to take off here in Richmond.

Read more by clicking here.

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