Support HB 1565

Local Tax and Regulatory Incentives; Green Development Zones

HB 1565 is a by-partisan bill patroned by Del. Webert and co-patroned by Del. Keam that enables municipalities to elect local tax and regulatory incentives for Green Development Zones. EarthCraft certification is a pathway provided to meet that designation. As we’ve seen with The Impact on Energy Efficient Design and Construction on LIHTC in Virginia, the EarthCraft family of programs effectively achieves real energy savings. Green development zones, often refered to as “eco-districts” can leverage economic development dollars to attract sustainable businesses and grow green jobs.

How can you help?
The bill has has passed the House and been referred to the Senate Finance Committee. That committee is co-chaired by Sen. Norment (R), Senate District 3 and Sen. Hanger (R) Senate District 24. Contact members of the Senate Finance Committee and offer your support (even if you don’t reside in their district). The bill will likely be reviewed early next week so make those calls/emails today.

What else can you do?
If the bill is passed by the Senate Finance Committee it will be heard before the Senate. Contact your Senator today! Use this sample message:

Dear Senator:

As a Virginian and a home owner in XXXXXXX Virginia, I am writing in support of legislation HB 1565which has passed the House and is in review before the Senate Finance Committee. HB 1565, is a by-partisan bill patroned by Del. Webert and co-patroned by Del. Keam that enables municipalities to elect local tax and regulatory incentives for Green Development Zones. EarthCraft certification is a pathway provided to meet that designation.  As we’ve seen with The Impact on Energy Efficient Design and Construction on LIHTC in Virginia, the EarthCraft family of programs effectively achieves real energy savings. Green development zones, often referred to as “eco-districts”  can leverage economic development dollars to attract sustainable businesses and grow green jobs. 

I hope we can count on you to support this by-partisan and important legislation.





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