Virtual Earth Day 2020

For Viridiant, every day is Earth Day.

But today we are excited to celebrate our planet on a global scale to support environmental protection.

While Earth Day might look a little different this year, that should not stop us from doing what we can, from wherever we are.

So what can you do outside to join the world’s largest environmental movement while practicing social distancing?

Here are a few ideas to get outside:

  • Go for a run, walk or bike ride – ditch your car and enjoy the outdoors while lessening your carbon footprint!
  • Garden – get your hands dirty or plant a tree, it will have a positive impact on the environment!
  • Take a pause and meditate or practice yoga – sometimes it’s not all about the action!

Did you know getting fresh air and vitamin D is scientifically proven to be good for your health?

Spending time in nature is good for you and the planet. Tag us on social media to show us how you are spending your Earth Day!


Want to know how Viridiant staff plans to spend their Earth Day outside?


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